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Dr. Choi named the recipient of the 2013 Outstanding Reviewer award of the year from the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, published by American Society of Civil Engineers and widely recognized as one of the highest ranked journals in the field of construction engineering and management. Besides his extensive activity as a reviewer, Dr. Choi also serves on the editorial board of the journal and is an Assistant Specialty Editor for the Cost and Schedule section of the journal. May 13, 2014.

Five graduate students just joined the lab, including a Ph.D. student Kris Kyeong Rok Ryu. They would be playing a pivotal role as a new momentum for the expansion and growth of the lab. Welcome aboard: Kris, Sima, Ankit, Saikrishna, and Ben. Blessed days will come ahead, as lab’s expertise and experience, combined with its cross-disciplinary work approach, will be fully utilized to position you all in a uniquely competent position to conduct high-payoff research studies. 
April 08, 2014

Mntague-CTE Logo

Dr. Choi has received the prestigious 2013-2014 'Montague-CTE Scholars' award. The Montague-CTE Scholars award is given annually to a faculty member from each college based on his or her ability and interest in teaching. Winners of the award receive a $6,500 grant to "encourage further development of undergraduate teaching excellence." 
August 13, 2013


Dr. Choi named the winner of the honorable " Fluor Educator of the Year" Award for Teaching Excellence, earned by having the highest teachng evaluation scores in 2012 and vote of each graduating class of Texas A&M University. 
April 11, 2013


Five graduate students join the lab this semester. Welcome aboard: Junseo (Ph.D.), Prateek, Nelson, Mia, and Hyunsoung.
April 01, 2013

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Dr. Choi has been named Assistant Specialty Editor of Cost and Schedule for the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management published by the American Society of Civil Engineers and widely regarded as one of the top journals in its field.
January 15, 2013  

Dr. Choi's research paper titled "Macroeconomic Labor Productivity and Its Impact on Firm's Profitability" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of The Operational Research Society (JORS: Special Issue on Construction Management). JORS is the flagship journal of the Operational Research Society, widely regarded as one of the top journals in its field.
October 26, 2012


Dr. Choi has awarded a research contract ($184,490) from the Texas Department of Transportation. (Role: Co-Principal Investigator)
August 08, 2012  

Yoo Hyun, Parth and Zhuting finished their two year journey to earn a MS degree. Hats off to all for adding the valuable works to the lab.
July 18, 2012

The journal article by Cho et al. on pavement marking removal methods has been accepted for publication in the ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 
May 17, 2012

Dr. Choi won a research award ($56,625) from the U.S. Department of Transportation UTC Program (SWUTC) (Role: Principal Investigator).
March 02, 2012

Dr. Choi receives a NCHRP research grant ($250,000) from Transportation Research Board of the National Academies (Role: Co-PI). April 02, 2012

 Copyright @ 2013 Professor Kunhee CHOI All Rights Reserved.