George Oliver Rogers

Environmental Management Research

This research examines the development of environmental mitigation banks in the United States. More than 700 banks have been developed. The development peaked during the Clinton Administration. This research seeks to better understand the environmental, economic, political and social dynamics associated with this promising new market based approach to environmental regulation.

Source: Paula Lorente-Rodriguez, 2005, Market & Non-Market Values in Compensatory Mitigation Banks, Final Professional Paper, Master of Urban Planning, Texas A&M University.

Preliminary analysis indicates that the overall size of banks is probably too small on the whole to accomplish many of the goals set out for mitigation banking. While an environmental bank of 500 or more acres in a urban areas or 1000 or more acres in a rural setting is suggested as an ecological starting point, the average mitigation bank is far to small (i.e., median size 286 arces) to accomplish these ecological goals.