George Oliver Rogers

Ecologically Designed Neighborhoods 2009


Building Better Communities -- Examines sun, wind, water, vegitation and soil in each neighborhood as pedictors of ecological design. By Kenon Boehm, Spring 2009

<Enlarge Building Better Communities >

Sustainability -- This poster examines the relationship greenway, park and open space location to neighborhoods and the presence of bike path and impervious surface as revealed preferences for ecological design. By Samantha Giordano, Spring 2009

<Enlarge Sustainability>

Design with Nature -- Examines the greenway connection and the tree canopy in each neighborhood as indications of ecological design. By Yanyi Li, Spring 2009

<Enlarge Design With Nature>

Access to Nature & Walkability -- Examines the presence of sidewalk and natural tree-line street and the distance from neighborhoods to public green space as determinants of ecological design. By Ying Liang, Spring 2009

<Enlarge Access to Nature & Walkabiity >

Nature Impact on Ecological Consciousness -- Examines various elements of the nature existing and built environment in each neighborhood as predictors of ecological design. By Yixiao Liu, Spring 2009

<Enlarge Nature Impact on Ecological Consciousness >

Value of Nature -- Examines the park, water patch and green patch of each property as indications of ecological design and clarifies their impacts on property value. By Yongchul Cho, Spring 2009

<Enlarge Value of Nature >


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